Friday 5 June 2015


In my opinion robocraft is a very strange game and the point of this game is to kill the other team and to make the most powerful tank possible. In the game you use the W,A,S and the D button the drive. W makes you go forward, A makes you go left, S makes you backup, and D makes you go right.  but the steering isn't all that easy, you click to go left for instance and all a sudden your going right or backwards. I recommend this game to younger kids because i think they would enjoy it more that highschoolers. The youngest age possible for this game is 13 which is dumb because what if your 11 and and you want to play? GUESS WHAT YOU CANT BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO BE 13!! there shouldn't be an age limit to play this game. 
The over all score out of 10 in my opinion would be a 4.5/10

Thursday 4 June 2015

robocraft day 4

I added a bunch of rockets and tried it out and still got killed every time. the steering on the ''car'' still doesn't make any sense... it makes you turn when you go straight soo i think that needs to be fixed . 

Wednesday 3 June 2015

robocraft day 3

i practiced driving still and then tried the actual game and just got creamed. People is this class are way too good for me to play with and i need to get better, other wise i'm just gong to keep dying ...

Tuesday 2 June 2015

robocraft day 2

i figured out how to drive the car, and also how to shoot the scorpions ... the driving is really weird because it turns when you click to go straight. it doesn't make sense in my opinion. this is my first day actually doing work because yesterday the anti virus made it so i cant go on any websites like this that could possibly put viruses on my computer..

Monday 1 June 2015

robo craft day 1

i found out that as soon as the computer starts up i have to turn off the antivirus to make the game load.

roboraft day 1

i couldn't do anything because there was a loading error that happened twice. I have tried to make it work on two computers.. there seems to be a problem with either the computers or the internet or something to do with the website address.